Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Global Lens Film Festival, Los Cenzontles, and more!

I'm packing my bags now for a short trip to Chicago-- check back next week for photos from some of Chicago's international neighborhoods!

A few events to look out for in the next few weeks:

--Georgia State University's movie theater, Cinefest, will be hosting The Global Lens Film Festival from Monday, November 2nd- Friday, November 6th. They will be showing movies from around the world, including films from China, Brazil, Macedonia, and Ecuador. It's a great deal, too-- general admission is $3 before 5pm and $5 after 5pm. (All GSU students, faculty, and staff get free admission.) The full schedule is available on the Cinefest website.

--Another Georgia State upcoming event-- Los Cenzontles will be performing at the Rialto Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, October 31st at 8pm. Los Cenzontles blend traditional Mexican music with aspects of American country, rock, and R&B-- should be a good show! You can check out their Youtube page to get an idea of the music.

--Steve McCurry's work is still on show at Besharat Gallery in Castleberry Hill-- the show runs through November 1. In case you're not familiar with Steve McCurry's work, he is a world-renowned photojournalist with work featured in National Geographic (including the photo of the young Afghan refugee on right). You can also check out photos of the gallery at Architecture Tourist, and read my earlier post about meeting Mr.McCurry.

As always, please feel free to add any information about other upcoming events by leaving a comment below!


  1. Fast work getting this news up! Looks like a lot of good things going on at Georgia State.

  2. It's amazing how that picture of Mr.McCurry's is so iconic. I wonder where she is today.

  3. Lots of cool stuff happening! Have fun in Chicago!

    Here's a photo of her after:
